Letters of Hope is not a self help blog. It is not a quick-fix. Nor is it a place where we are trying to "fix" people because we think we are better than you; we have, and still do struggle with the same things. It's a place to be loved on and to love - a place to grow and have hope in the only One who is worthy of hope.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

First Letter

Tonight I wanted to share with you my letter, based on the idea that I got from the addiction treatment house I worked at. 

Dear Pornography;
            I loved you. You were one of the few constant things in my life – through middle school, through high school, through most of college – you were there. You were there when I hated my dad. You were there when I was surrounded by friends and having what I thought was the time of my life. You were there when I had no one else. You were there when I went to church. You were there when I was at my job.  You were there when I was in relationships. You were there when I was single. You were new and exciting, and you gained exactly as much power as I gave you – and you used it to manipulate me and change me and distort my thinking. You corrupted my relationships. You started to make me feel dirty. You made me not want to go to any sort of worship service because I felt unworthy. You distorted my perception of grace, making me believe that I needed to cut you off before I could experience grace – and because you told me I could never get rid of you, I believed I would never experience grace. You were a very real demon to me. You were a cancer that controlled my thoughts and actions.
            No matter how hard you tried, and you tried your hardest, you were never going to win. I know who you really are now – I know that you draw people in and then slowly desensitize them to the poison that you feed them. You’re so convincing in the beginning but you will never win. The day Jesus died on the cross, you lost. When my savior Jesus died on that cross, He nailed you to it. When He went down to hell, He took you with Him. Jesus rose from the grave. You didn’t. I’m telling you, here and now, that you have no power over me, and you never will. I belong body, mind, and soul to my King Jesus Christ and in Him I have the victory.
            I am not simply okay with being healed of my addiction to you. In Jesus’ name, I am going to fight for the freedom of every single person who is still in bondage to you. Together with my brothers and sisters in Christ we will stand against you and you will fall to the name of Jesus.

            Romans 14:8 says, “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” I live and die for one, and His name is Jesus. 

I would encourage anyone who reads this to write a letter - to yourself, God, an addiction, a struggle, family, friends, significant others, future significant others, etc. I've found that this not only helps you to process things and brings about a certain kind of healing, but that it also allows for thoughts to flow more smoothly if you ever want to share your struggle with someone close to you. 

As always, if you need prayer or would like to be able to share your own letter, send us an email at lettersofhope7@gmail.com 
