Letters of Hope is not a self help blog. It is not a quick-fix. Nor is it a place where we are trying to "fix" people because we think we are better than you; we have, and still do struggle with the same things. It's a place to be loved on and to love - a place to grow and have hope in the only One who is worthy of hope.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


The reasoning behind the name "Letters of Hope" comes from my experience interning/working at a residential addiction treatment house. When applying to be promoted for the next level (there are three levels, independence for the resident increases at each level), the guys I work with write what have been called final letters. These are multiple hand-written letters to things or people in their lives that have affected or have been affected by their addiction - the letters could be to their kids, parents, significant other, or it could be to things like their addiction, their past, God, etc. The guys then read these letters out loud to the group that they are in. 
I think there is something beautiful about this process - not only does writing down your own thoughts help you to process, but reading them aloud (or I suppose putting it on a blog) gives a sort of release. I have seen many grown men cry reading letters apologizing to their kids for what they have done, or finally telling their addiction that they are done, forever. In short, these are letters of pain, failure, and despair - but they are also letters of reconciliation, triumph, and most of all, hope. These are letters of hope because, no matter what we have done, or what our letters say, everything is under the love of Christ - and that is something to have hope in.

So one of the things I think that this blog could be used for is a place for people to send their letters - either just as way to get their story out there, and it won't be posted, or, if it's the right time, to send letters and have them posted here, anonymously. I don't know what God has planned for this blog - maybe this is for one person who really needs help right now. If that's you, and you feel like sharing your story could help you, then that's what this blog is for. This whole blog could be for you - one single person - and it would be completely worth it, because that's how much God loves us. He would and has gone to the most extreme lengths to show His love. 
And maybe God wants to use this blog for something we haven't even thought of yet - maybe He wants this blog to be a place where anyone, anytime can share their story and the hope that is in it through Jesus. Whatever is on your heart, share it with us. If you've been struggling with pornography and you're ready to be done, and you want someone to talk to or to pray with you, or to just simply tell someone; we're here. If you know someone who has struggled or still struggles with pornography, and that has affected you, share your story with us. 
We're a family. Brothers and sisters in Christ. One of the most beautiful results of that is that we can share like a family. It's possible you grew up in a family that didn't share anything deeper than what you had for lunch or got on your last exam, or it's possible that you see your family as something barely resembling a family. Whatever the case, let this be a place where your concept of family is totally re-imagined; a place where every member is welcomed and loved equally, where people can share in their struggles, and instead of being judged, they're loved - and where we all love and serve the greatest Father in the universe.  

We'll be posting the first letter in a few days - until then, send in your prayer requests, letters, concerns, ideas, etc.

In His love,


Monday, December 2, 2013


Just some stats to look at...let your heart break as God's heart breaks - but also know that God has a plan to end all of this. It will start small - one person at a time - but God will use those who have struggled with this addiction to end it. 


Since it's exam week, these posts might be a little sparse until Christmas break. I've been feeling that I need to address one of the main dangers of this addiction to pornography, which can and should be applied when thinking about any sort of sin. 
Keeping whatever you struggle with to yourself - be it pornography, lying, stealing, cheating, thoughts of depression, suicide, self harm, anything - is inviting the devil to use that against you. When we keep what we struggle with to ourselves, it begins to grow inside of us and attach itself at multiple points, like cancer. We push it down and try to overcome it with our own strength until finally this dark thing has already taken over half of our spiritual body, at which point friends and family begin to ask things like, "what's wrong," or, "you seem different...why?" And when we finally tell them, it's so big and dark that it can be hard for one person to help you through. 
Even when we discuss it with God, it can become a way out of being accountable and/or staying in community with others. 
Don't let "I'm bringing it to Jesus" become an excuse for not being in a supporting community of believers. 
Talking with God about anything you struggle with is 100% necessary. BUT - if it becomes a sort of safety net where you see it as a way to get out of talking about it with other people - we begin walking on thin ice. I know this because this is where I was, and I sometimes still struggle with it. I thought that since I kept apologizing to God and asking Him for forgiveness, that I was fine. My eyes became cloudy with the fact that I never had to actually confront my addiction with someone face to face - I became numb when confessing it to God because I had confessed it to Him so many times before. Talking with another person though, was raw, and it hurt, and it was awkward. Satan used that to convince me that not only was it awkward to talk about it with someone else, but that it was a burden to the other person. That no one wanted to hear about my struggles and that I was too dirty and disgusting for anyone to really care about what I was going through - "They're just going to judge you and tell you to stop. They're going to think you're unclean and they won't love you for who you are - they'll only see your dirtiness" - just a few of the lies that the devil constantly used to fill my head and to make me think that I was alone.
If you remember one thing from this whole entire blog, remember this; you are not alone. Ever.
So many people struggle with this addiction - it just takes the boldness to admit it to a friend. Chances are they will either identify with you, or will be extremely honored and humbled by your honesty and boldness. The power of this addiction lies in its secrecy - it dwells and thrives in the dark places of your life that nobody hears about. When you give it to God, and bring it into the light of a caring community, this addiction loses its power. And if you are wondering about your habits of looking at pornography, and don't feel like you have any friends that you want to be vulnerable with - first, don't underestimate your friends. Trust them, and they will in return give you their trust and probably a lot of good help and love. You also have friends here. E-mail us with any concerns, prayer requests, or random questions that you may have. 
Finally, you will always have a friend in Jesus. There is a difference between using Jesus as an excuse, and seeing him as a Savior, King, and Counselor who can handle even your deepest, darkest secrets and struggles. Not only can He handle them, but He will use them for His glory. This blog is living proof of that. It just takes living in simple obedience to and confidence in the One who has conquered the grave. 

If you are struggling with pornography, do not feel afraid, guilty, or ashamed. Jesus died on the cross for you, knowing that you would struggle with pornography. He thought specifically of you - and He chose to die for your sins. Live into that boldness. Talk with someone about it - a friend, a parent, a pastor, a sibling, or us. Don't try to go through this alone. 

This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9 

In His love,


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Whether you've made your way here through a friendly Facebook post, a note in the Prayer Chapel, or just have somehow found yourself here, welcome. We're really glad you're here. Let me begin by explaining a little more of what this place is. Letters of Hope is an extremely recent project started by myself and a few others in wake of what has been an incredible journey so far - and it's just the start. 
One of the main characteristics of this blog is going to be boldness, and it starts now: I have been addicted to pornography for over 9 years. Since early middle school, (6th or 7th grade) I have struggled with the temptation of pornography, and that's putting it nicely. There will be following blog posts about my entire story, but we'll skip ahead to today for this time. Twenty-two days ago, after 9+ years of not being able to control when I looked at pornography, God healed me. Completely. I had gone a few months without porn before, but it was on my own strength and I eventually fell back into the old habit. I had prayed to not be tempted, but for some reason it wasn't working. On Friday, November 8, something - everything - changed. I had just heard a guy speak on how the reason we often don't receive healing or the reason we aren't able to heal other people is simple; either we don't fully believe God can and will do what we are asking, or God knows that we will not use the gift that we were asking for. After this, he asked all those who were listening to boldly ask God to fill us with the Holy Spirit, and to ask for something; healing, prophecy, etc. I began praying something like, "God, what do you want me to ask for? I've never thought about this before and I don't want to halfheartedly ask for something." It came as just one word at first - "pornography." It was then that this overwhelming peace came over me, and I felt God saying, "You are healed from your addiction to pornography." 
Like I said, I have prayed for this before, but it was always assuming that I would just mess up again anyways. This time felt different - I not only thought that I had been cleaned of any addiction or feelings of lust, but I knew - deep down in my innermost being - that Jesus had cleansed me, 100% of all of my struggles with porn. This time was also different because it came with a call. A few seconds after I felt God saying, "You are healed from your addiction to pornography," He followed it up with, "and I am going to use you to help others be free of their pornography addictions as well." 
So, that's the 5-minute version of where Letters of Hope comes from. There will be more posts soon - so keep in touch. 
In the meantime, email us with any concerns, prayer requests, ideas, etc. This blog is here for anyone who struggles with pornography or anyone who knows someone that struggles with pornography - God is calling us out of this dark addiction. Don't let it be something that festers inside you as you try to tackle it yourself. 

In His unfailing love,